The first party I went to where I felt old.

29 10 2007

So that costume I mentioned earlier turned out well, I wore it with pride, and there are pictures of the evening in question on Flickr.

And if you didn’t already know, you can get to that particular Flickr account by clicking anywhere on the Flickr sidebar in the bar on the side.

I won’t mention much about the costume, it pretty much explains itself.

The party we went to, however, made me feel Read the rest of this entry »

Thank you again, Internets

26 10 2007

Would anybody do this?

I would, so long as I could live in the forest for the rest of my life.

Thank you, The Internets

26 10 2007


25 10 2007

I was thirsty, so I got some water and put it in my 32 ounce Nalgene bottle.

I drank from the 32 ounce mark down to the 24 ounce mark in a few gulps.  Realizing what I had done, I started drinking again, this time getting down to the 12 ounce mark in 3-4 gulps.

Then I thought about how I just drank twelve ounces of liquid without even struggling.  Then I thought about how much beer I’m known to drink.

The only problem is, beer is cold and bubbly.

So next time I drink, I’m going to make sure the beer is room temperature and flat.

Then again, maybe the reason beer is supposed to be cold and carbonated is so it won’t get gulped down two quickly.


It is a shame this guy DIDN’T die

23 10 2007

I hope he is to dumb to breed.

If you need something, now’s the time to ask

22 10 2007

Today I had three midterm exams. Normally, tests don’t mean crap to me, and I pretty much blow the thought of them off (and still get at least a “B”). For some reason, I was actually worried about these tests. Probably because this is the first time I have actually had this many midterms on the same day, and all in a row for that matter, AND they were from classes that don’t give any tests other than the midterm and final.

After taking the tests, I do not feel as worried, but that doesn’t mean I think I aced them or anything. I’m just glad they are over with.

Some of you other “educated” people out there might think Read the rest of this entry »

Such an absolute waste of a day

21 10 2007

As I mentioned earlier, yesterday was to be packed full of events. And it was, more than 12 hours of comings, goings, drinkings, smokings, and eatings.

I don’t have a play by play, because it’s not really interesting enough to warrant such coverage. Don’t get me wrong, it all qualifies as “good times,” but I think it would be presumptuous of me to assume you all need to read about it down to the last detail.

Fresno State beat San Jose (30 – 0), there was lots of beer and rum being consumed (by me, at least), there was some dinner and more beer at Wahoo’s Fish Taco (I’m sure they are everywhere else, but I’ve never heard of it until one recently opened up in Fresno), than there was more beer and liquor at Joe’s Bar, topped off with a custom-ordered girl named Sylvia.

As with any custom ordered product, the final results were Read the rest of this entry »

Global Warming? I don’t care anymore.

19 10 2007

I’m starting to seriously doubt the truth to the reality that we all accept. There has to be something more to human and global history than what we are forced to assimilate and claim as our own.

The Egyptians did not build the Giza pyramids, neither did their Jewish slaves, the Maya, Aztec, and Incas did not build their own monuments, there had to have been more than one “Noah” with an “ark,” and those statues on Easter Island were not erected by a few guys with ropes.

On a lighter note, tomorrow is Ryan’s birthday. We are all going to the Fresno State/San Jose game in the afternoon. Well, we would be going whether it was his birthday or not, but Ryan doesn’t get enough “blog time,” so I thought I would throw it in there.

Quid? BBC News is joking, right?

16 10 2007

The Quasi Universal Intergalactic Denomination, or Quid, will be the money used by international space tourists. 

While I agree that the idea of having a space-friendly currency is a good idea, I think that this is some pretty ridiculous stuff.  I don’t think we are anywhere near the point that this sort of money needs to be available.  Isn’t this sort of jumping the gun a bit?
Next they will have a cure for some intergalactic space virus “just in case” there “happens” to be an outbreak on Earth.  Oh, and guess what?  You can only pay for this anti-virus with Quid.  Sucks to be you, Earthling!

I guess its better then getting RFID tags implanted under our skin.

Sam Adams Octoberfest, Karaoke, and a tab.

15 10 2007

Saturday night, we all went to the High Sierra Room.

While it sounds like quite the place, it’s a one of two bars at a bowling alley. On Saturdays, it’s a karaoke bar.

And right now on House, Kumar just set a bitch on fire. Tight stuff.

Anyway, we all went to the High Sierra Room because the previous weekend I made a drunken declaration Read the rest of this entry »

A Few Days Later…

13 10 2007


It’s everything I’ve ever dreamed of. Whats funny is that Corinne pulled it off the porch today, long after I went and got the mail.  This isn’t the first time a package has been left on the porch and gone unnoticed for a few days.  Maybe I should clear off all those empty boxes and plastic bags after all…

 By the way, the shirt is still available, but nobody knows for how much longer.

Black Butte, Ducks, and more Beer: Part III

10 10 2007

At halftime of the Oregon-Fresno game, it was decided that we would hit up the “beer garden,” as Fresno was down by entirely to many points for us to concern ourselves with the rest of the game.

When I got word of our inner-Autzen migration, I was standing where I had been for the first half, somewhere on the concourse. Joe called me from the entrance to the building we were to go to, and from where I was standing I could see him, so I figured I should get down there and join the group. I say “down there” because the concourse itself was raised up maybe two stories from the ground level, with not enough Read the rest of this entry »

I need ya’ll’s help!

8 10 2007

Head over to my main sponsor, MOYA Apparel, and order the shirt (or any bit of merchandise with the same graphic) I co-created. It violates some weird copyright law, so it won’t be available for long.  Apparantly, the use of the word “CAUTION” is copyrighted by a mad scientist or something.

By the way, click on the picture to be taken to the site.



5 10 2007

Don’t read this if you are afraid of “end of days” propaganda. Otherwise, enjoy!



Who Is The 2012 Group? And What’s The Big Deal About 2012, Anyway?